
In THE TIMES, young composers (10-20 years old) have their compositions performed by the professional musicians of HERMESensemble.

The next edition will take place on 4 May 2025. Registrations were open until 1 February 2025.


  • You are at least 10 years and maximum 20 years old.
  • You are not enrolled at a Conservatoire or any other school of higher music education.
  • Are you in part-time music education or taking music at a secondary school? Then you certainly can.
  • You can attend all rehearsals and the concert at AMUZ.

Participating in THE TIMES is free of charge.


You write a composition of maximum 5 minutes. During rehearsals, your coaches will help you to further tweak your work.
These instruments are part of the instrumentation:

  • Soprano
  • Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass (4 strings)
  • Flute (or piccolo/alto/bass flute), Clarinet (or bass clarinet)
  • Piano
  • Percussion [1 player: vibraphone, glockenspiel, toms, cymbals, gongs, krotales]
  • Electronics

The composition must be an original one. Adaptations of existing compositions and harmony exercises are not allowed.

The composition style is a free choice, but make your music scores readable for the musicians. Make clear directions such as: tempi, dynamics, articulations, etc.
Read these tips for writing a music score for multiple instruments (PDF download)

Traditional music scores (with staves) are not compulsory. Neat and clear graphic music scores are also considered.

Please note that solo works will not be withheld. The widest possible use of the ensemble is encouraged.


29 or 30 March 2025time tbdrehearsalHERMESstudio (Wijnegem)
26 or 27 April 2025time tbdrehearsalHERMESstudio (Wijnegem)
4 May 2025time tbdgeneral rehearsal & concertAMUZ (Antwerp)

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