THE TIMES ACADEMY is a course for young-professional composers aged 20 to 30. In cocreation with HERMESensemble, a new composition takes shape.

What is THE TIMES Academy?

A professional composer of international standing will guide the participating composers during five working sessions, spread over five months.

A longer-term approach gives composers time to experiment and grow ideas. It is not a crash course, but a sustainable development process in dialogue with musicians.

In THE TIMES ACADEMY, compositions with electronics and digital instruments receives ample attention thanks to the co-production with Centre Henri Pousseur. The studio in Liège is the oldest and best-equipped electronic studio for contemporary music in Belgium.

The composers work towards a final concert on a specialised stage or a contemporary music festival. We look for participants during Soundmine, Musica Impulscentrum’s summer course for young composers.

The latest edition took place in spring 2024.

THE TIMES ACADEMY is a production of HERMESensemble. In collaboration with Musica Impulscentrum, Centre Henri Pousseur, Matrix [Centrum voor Nieuwe Muziek] and Nemø ensemble.